
Last week felt like a huge sigh of relief.

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw that I took a week (plus) away from work and social media. I headed to beautiful Jackson Hole, Wyoming, to stay in a house that didn’t have Internet access (!!!), and completely stepped away from the online world. (Ok, ok, I did check my email once each day, but it was refreshing to find that I didn’t need to. Everything could have waited, and next time, it will.)

Being away from the hustle and bustle was magical—and I was surprised to find that I wasn’t even tempted to open Instagram on my phone. I thought I might miss it all a little bit, but I honestly didn’t, and to tell the truth, I’ve only been back on Instagram once since I got home. I'm not abandoning it by any means, but I am being mindful of when I check in.

Of course, as happens when you have time to pull away completely, I did plenty of thinking about my business, about how I help people, and about what I share in this space. There were no huge revelations, but it was nice to think about these things when they surfaced, not every moment of every day.

And I did plenty of thinking about my life, the separation between work and home, and what I want to do and be. There were some bigger aha moments here, which was wonderful.

I’ve been pondering the idea of less but more (or less but better) recently, and working to simplify and refine my life and work (something that doesn't come easily to me), and this vacation will only lead to more of that. It’s a tricky balance for me—I help some amazing entrepreneurs with their content, but I think we’re at a point of being a bit oversaturated with content. There's a balance to be found, and the answer, to me, is—you guessed it—to create less but more and to simplify and refine.

So the bottom line is that I don’t have any big message to share today. Just know that you’ll continue to hear more about those mantras and what they mean for both me and you, but for now, I have to go eat my lunch. Away from the computer, away from my phone, with book in hand. Ahhhhh.