A free intentional writing guide

You’ve been hearing me talk about behind-the-scenes writing for a while now.

You know, the kind that helps you work through ideas, uncover your own inherent wisdom, and clear your mind when it’s overflowing.

Now to be fair, I believe the kind of writing we do for others can have some serious benefits.

For example, the content you share for your business is just as much for you as it is for your audience—writing down and shaping up what you think and feel and believe and want for others has power.

And there can be many aha moments in other kinds of writing that’s meant for other people: A heated email (even if it’s one you never send) to a family member you’re struggling with or someone who’s sent you unfair criticism can reveal truths about your own fears and struggles. A blog post or email meant for your audience that you can’t seem to get written can lead you to realizations about why you’re resisting the topic. A social media update that begins as something seemingly benign can turn into a beautiful piece about how you approach life as a whole.

There can be some pretty magical moments in everyday writing (if you’re paying attention and you notice them, which is another conversation altogether).

But...they don’t always happen regularly.

So I’m here to tell you that you can have more of those magical writing moments...on purpose.

You can have more aha moments, more realizations, more flashes of insight and clarity and possibility with a simple but powerful process that (as you know now) I’m a huge fan of.

It’s called intentional writing.

The idea is that you make time, regularly, to simply write. To write about whatever pops into your head, or to write about a specific question you have or moment you noticed or idea you’re struggling with. You don’t worry about voice or style or even punctuation—you just let it flow.

And then—and this is a big piece of what makes it so intentional—you go back. You read through the jumble (and possibly try to decipher your handwriting, ahem…) and you look for the magic parts. The seed of an idea. The decision you’ve been trying to make. The foundation for the post you’ve been wanting to write. The truth a counselor or coach has been helping you look for.

It’s pretty magical, you guys. And it’s why I created Explore—to help you see the power of intentional writing and get into the habit of doing it.

But before I open Explore up to you guys, I want to give you a chance to try out the idea for yourself. For free. Right now.

I can talk all day about how powerful it’s been for me and for other people, but these days, we’re saturated with that kind of talk. That’s not a bad thing—it can just make it easier to tune things out.

So I’m inviting you, right here and right now, to give intentional writing a chance. See if it works for you. I believe it will, but if not, you’re only out a few minutes of your time—and you’ve gained valuable insight into what works for you and what maybe doesn’t.

I’ve created a guide to intentional writing that I’m calling Explore Day to Day, and you can download it right now from the free Connection Library*.

Inside, you’ll find a super-simple writing process (no excuses not to get started!), seven prompts to use in situations we all face often (like when you feel distracted, you’re working through a big idea, or you’re trying to come up with content to share), and an easy way to sort through and use what you’ve written.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

*Don't have access to the free Connection Library yet? Sign up below! You'll get instant access along with (fairly) regular emails from me. I'll see you on the other side!

Make SpaceErica Midkiff